Contact Persons

We are there for you and your questions

For questions about becoming a Jesuit, we are the official contact persons of the Central European Province of the Jesuit Order. It is a great job, because it consists of having time - time for your interest and your concerns. It may be that you are sitting in front of your computer and have countless questions. This hunger for answers is often mixed with a hesitation resulting from the desire to be able to ask questions without being immediately taken over. We see it the same way, because freedom is very important to us Jesuits. You can write to us about your concerns without obligation – we will be always happy to answer.

P. Sebastian Ortner SJ


+49 69 60 61 632
+49 1575 97 80 412
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P. Sebastian Ortner SJ: Searching for your own vocation is challenging because you often feel like you are in a fog. But at the same time the process is exciting and invigorating because it is about your uniqueness.

P. Martin Föhn SJ


+41 61 264 63 53
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P. Martin Föhn SJ: If there are things that come up again and again in life, it is important to take a closer look at them, because there is something calling out that wants to be heard.

P. Felix Schaich SJ


+43 664 621 7173
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P. Felix Schaich SJ: Der eigenen Berufung nachzugehen ist stets ein Weg zu sich selbst. Im Hören eines Rufes an mich, wird mein Leben automatisch zur Antwort. In anderen Worten: „Gott suchen und selbst gefunden werden“.

Eugenijus Markovas SJ

Lithuania / Latvia

+370 637 49137
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P. Eugenijus Markovas SJ: For a vocation it’s necessary to encounter Jesus vividly, closely and tangible.

Fredrik Heiding SJ


+46 18 580 0718
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P. Fredrik Heiding SJ: Being a fool for Christ’s sake – are you called for this? This means to live joyfully in the world but not of it.

Dominik Terstriep SJ


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Father Dominik Terstriep SJ, Dr theol., M. A. (History of Ideas), was ordained a priest for the diocese of Münster in 1998 and joined the Jesuit order in 2003. He was a university chaplain in Munich and Stockholm. Since 2012, he has been parish priest at St Eugenia’s parish in Stockholm and lecturer in dogmatic theology at the Newman Institute in Uppsala.


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